
Archive for January 21st, 2012

I’ve just finished reading Wayne Cordeiro’s book ‘Doing Church as a Team: Launching effective ministries through teamwork’ and I was intrigued by his chapter on God Has a Plan! As often times we wonder “Why!” Why me, why now, why here, couldn’t someone else do what I’m doing these are all questions that we all ask at some stage or another as we live out our lives.

You could have been born in another place and another time! God doesn’t do things at random… He planned your birth before you were even conceived! He chose you, created you, and then delicately placed you on His sovereign time continuum.” This is how Wayne starts this chapter and then goes on to say: “for some reason, He wanted you born and living in this age, in this century, in this day called ‘today.’ He has a purpose and a plan for you!”

40 Days of Purpose - LogoWhich is something that Rick Warren also talks about in his book “The Purpose Driven Life” and this year we will be doing the “40 Days of Purpose Church-wide Campaign” so that we can find out what it is that we are here for.

In Ephesians 2:10 we find that we are created by God for good deeds which were prepared beforehand for us to achieve. He has a plan for each and every one of us and it is our responsibility to find out what that is and then do it! He chose you for a specific purpose and He wants you to be fruitful in your life, as it is only for a short time that we are here when we think of the brevity of life.

Therefore, as Christians we need to evaluate our lives asking the question of ourselves what is it that we are living for – is it a self-centred existence or are we living to serve God and others; exalting Him in everything that we do so as not to boast in our own skills and abilities…

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