
Posts Tagged ‘#Beyond the Dark’

Today (Sunday 25 September) is an Annual Day of Prayer for Victims of Human Trafficking.

On this day The Salvation Army publicly declares its collective commitment to helping victims of human trafficking move beyond the dark and into a space of visibility and light.

The Salvation Army is deeply committed to fighting and responding to modern slavery and human trafficking and invites you to do the same.

Last year, they served and journeyed with 9,795 survivors and they are actively responding to modern slavery and human trafficking in 108 countries through their eight focus action areas:

  1. Prayer
  2. Prevention
  3. Participation
  4. Protection
  5. Prosecution
  6. Partnership
  7. Policy
  8. Proof

Corps (churches) around the world will be corporately crying out for justice and freedom for those affected by modern slavery and human trafficking.

Below is a spoken prayer, written from the perspective of a survivor of modern slavery & human trafficking, followed by some questions to consider (which are part of biblical reflection available here).

What are the laws in my country that offer protection for those who are vulnerable to exploitation and slavery?

Could I be advocating in some way for legislation that protects the vulnerable and prosecutes the persecutors?

How do I think God sees those who are exploited, trafficked and in slavery today? Do I see them in the same way?

What can I do in my own community to respond to modern slavery and human trafficking?

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